From Karen Simmons'
"Surrounded by Miracles"
“… It was ultimately just a few words from my husband that, unknown to him, gave me an ironclad will to live and to return to my family. His words still ring in my ears. “Don’t worry, honey. I’ll take care of the kids” “

Karen Simmons
Surrounded by Miracles is a riveting story detailing Mrs. Simmons near death, or “back to life” experience, and the realization that life is fragile and you are what you make of yourself.
Since “returning” to life, Mrs. Simmons has made an indelible international mark on special needs communities and is the pioneering drive behind Autism Today, one of the world’s leading resources for all special needs, both online and at numerous conferences and events worldwide.
This book is a celibration of life, family, and the achievements one can make when faced with the unthinkable.